The killing of a 17-year-old Dalit boy and the subsequent clash over a photo of BR Ambedkar in Rampur underscores the ongoing challenges faced by Dalits in India. The increase in crimes against Dalits challenges the BJP's claims of being pro-poor and pro-Hindu, and highlights the need for effective laws and policies to protect marginalized communities in India.

Feb 29, 2024 - 15:39
Feb 29, 2024 - 16:19
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A 17-year-old Dalit boy was killed and two others were injured in a clash over the installation of a board with BR Ambedkar's photo on a disputed land in Rampur. This is only one such incident that highlights the autocracies that Dalits face under the BJP rule. Caste prejudice remains a blot on the democratic fabric of India, the largest democracy in the world. The Dalits, who have traditionally experienced oppression and various sorts of atrocities, are one of the most marginalized communities. In spite of constitutional protections and affirmative action policies, the situation for Dalits is still dire, particularly while the (BJP) is in power. The BJP has come under fire for how it has handled Dalit rights and for the increasing number of incidences of crimes committed against them.

Atrocities committed against Dalits have increased alarmingly during the BJP's tenure in office. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports that, in 2020, there was a 7.3% increase in crimes against Dalits over the previous year. These offenses comprise violence, prejudice, and dehumanization committed against Dalits based on their caste identification alone.

Even if there are strict laws protecting Dalits, it is nevertheless difficult for them to be effectively implemented under BJP-led regimes. Enacted to protect Dalits from violence and discrimination, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 frequently falls short of providing justice because of improper implementation and administrative roadblocks.  The remarks of the first law minister, BR Ambedkar, appear to be coming true. "If Hindu Raj does become a fact, it will, no doubt, be the greatest calamity for this country," he said in his book.

Anti-Dalit crimes have always been on the rise, but since the BJP-led NDA government took office in 2014, their frequency has sharply increased. In 2018, the number of crimes committed against Dalits and Adivasis rose by 27.3% and 20.3%, respectively. It refutes the assertion made by the BJP that its policies and administration are pro-poor and pro-Hindu. In the current regime, being Othered extends beyond Muslims and Christians, who are minority groups. The increasing number of crimes motivated by caste reflects the BJP's encouragement and promotion of Brahmanism.

The surge in atrocities against Dalits during the BJP regime is deeply concerning and reflects a broader societal issue that must be addressed. The persistent caste prejudices and discrimination faced by Dalits highlight the urgent need for effective implementation of laws and policies aimed at protecting their rights. The increase in crimes against Dalits is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by marginalized communities in India and underscores the importance of promoting equality and social justice for all.


Vaidehi Mattoo

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